Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Finally Home

Sorry this took me so long to post anything, but I had no time the last couple of weeks. I got back home on Monday around 2:15 after a 9 hour flight from Madrid to Chicago. I hated having to leave, but I was ready to go home. During my experience, I learned so many things and I met so many people that I will never forget.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Madrid y Almagro

I am sorry but I am having trouble with my English, so I will have to put this in Spanish.

En jueves, fuimos al Almagro para mirar el teatro. Vimos el teatro de "El perro de hortelano." Fue una comedia escrito en Castellano Antiguo y fue un poco díficil para entender. Salimos Ciudad Real a las 21:00 y regresamos a las 2:00 en la madrugada. Pero, las clases empezaron a las 10:30 en vez de 9:30 y tuvimos un poco más tiempo para dormir.

En viernes, fuimos a Madrid. Me encantó. Fuimos al Museo de Prado y vi los cuadros de Goya y Velazquez. Después, fuimos al Congreso y vi donde los politicos hacen decisiones. Siguente, fuimos a la Catedral por un ratito y era tan hermosa. Finalmente, fuimos a la Palacia Real por un foto y después la Plaza Mayor. Habia gitanos andando de la madera y tuvimos que tener cuidado

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Finalmente, tenemos fotos!!!

 This is my room. It´s smaller than you think...
 Here I am at an archeological site, Alarcos. It was a fortress during the Reconquest and a battle was fought here.
 Castilla La-Mancha is the land of Don Quixote, the most famous literary character in Spain. Also, the young people are rebelling and that´s why there are signs...and graffitti everywhere.
 Molinas...gotta love them :)
 This is yours truly in Toledo. Behind me is the Alcazar and La Catedral de Santa Maria. Did you know the Alcazar was the inspiration for Walt Disney´s Castle?
 This is 8 of my group members and we are in the gardens of the Alcazar of Cordoba. From the left we have Olivia, Rachel, Christy,Natalie,Michael,Me, and Jared. Actually, we call him Santiago because Spainiards can´t say his name and a little kid called him Santiago.
 This is the Mezquita of Cordoba. There are the arches everywhere inside. It was a mosque, now it´s a cathedral. How cool is that?
 Ahh, Granada. The magical city in Andalucia. This is the Alhambra. I was inside it .)
Finally, we have your favorite person in Ciudad Real!!! This is a really huge statue like thing that looks like a boat. The view from up here is really awesome